Enforced Disappearance

According to unofficial statistics, the past four years have witnessed 5500 cases of enforced disappearance in Egypt by Police and security bodies. The crime start with kidnapping citizens from street or by arbitrary detention without warrant from homes. At this moment the kidnapped loses contact with his relatives and lawyer. According to reports from families of victims, they are brutally tortured till death or threatened to be killed and raped to force them to confess committing crimes they did not commit. During the first half of 2017, 1500 enforced disappearance cases were recorded.

Referral of civilians to military tribunals:

In egypt military tribunals are exceptional courts run by the military to investigate and issue verdicts on crimes referred to then by general prosecution.

Since July 3rd 2013 the Egyptian regime has tried to expand in trying civilians before military judiciary. But this situation was legalized by issuing the decree-law no. 136 of 2014, concerning protection of vital and public installations, and affiliation of their crimes to military
judiciary, instead of emergency law. The number of civilians referred to military trials is more than 10 thousand, with hundreds of prison and death sentences issued against them.

It is inconceivable that a state with a unified law and constitution is having two different judiciaries, civil judiciary with broad jurisdiction but does not apply on the military and military judiciary that can sentence the civilians and the military!!

Although the military judiciary is independent judiciary, the final provision of article (1) of military judiciary law say: The military jurisdiction is dependent on the Ministry of Defence.
Eventually law stipulated that an administrative body affiliated to Ministry of Defence be established with the mission of organizing and managing military judiciary, which clearly detracts the independence of the military judiciary. Moreover, it is contradictory to the Egyptian Constitution.