Statment of Egypt Parliament Abroad on UN International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women

After more than four years of military coup on democracy in Egypt, violations were committed against the whole spectrum of Egyptian people and women at the heart of it, and in full absence of accurate statistics of violations due to terrorism practiced by military authority. Despite all that what has been documented by human rights organizations about women since jJuly 2013 is a disgrace to mankind.

as follow
– Number of women in detention now = 34
– Number of released women = 2465
– Number of forcibly disappeared women so far = 7
– Number of women forcibly disappeared and later found = 148
– Number of women detaines who were medivally neglected = 13 three of which still in detentiion and face life-threatening medical negligence
– Number of women and girl who were sentenced to death = 5 two of them still sentenced to death in absentia
– Number of women killed by live bullets or cartouches= 133
– Number of women killed as a result of medical negligence or indirect accidents such as road accidenst in front of prisons = 176
– Number of women who had other violations “arbitrary detention, assault during visits” = 356
– Number of women transferred to military trials in person and in absentia = 23
– Number of girls dismissed from their universities – 526
– Total number of sentences = 1274 years and 3 months
– Total amount of bails and fines paid for detainees = 2,855,100 Egyptian pounds
– Number of women and girls listed on terrorism lists = 93
– Number of women and girls whose money was confiscated = 93
– Number of women and girls who were banned from traveling = 106

Despite all these violations. political regimes of the world still deal normally with the military authority which overthrew democracy in Egypt and still provide him with political, military and economic support. Careless of its crimes against Egyptian people.
We call upon the peoples, governments and parliaments of the free world to bring pressure to bear on this fascist regime to stop the violations againnst Egyptian woman.
Otherwise these International Days set by UN will go in vain.

Ahmed Gadelrab
Egypt Parliament Abroad