Violations in Egyptian Prisons

During that period according to unofficial statistics the number of prisoners reached 60000.
The number of prisons in Egypt till January 2011 was 43 prisons and 382 police stations custody. During the period 2011 through June 15th 2013 2 prisons were built, and over more than four years from July 2013 through July 2017 decrees were issued of building new prisons reaching 21 new prisons. This brings the number of prisons to 66 at a time when Egypt is suffering from housing crisis and economic and social problems.

Most important violations inside prisons:


Negligence of nutritional system always leads to spread of diseases, where the normal food program presented to prisoners is the worst ever, because it contains specific types of meals given regularly without including the nutritional elements significant to human body. The way of cooking is very bad for it is done in an unclean environment, and non-conformingly prepared. Moreover, receiving food during family visits is totally prohibited for prisoners.

2- Crowding in prisons:

Average prison cell space ranging from 4 to 6 square metres. Average number of prisoners in one cell is 40. This resulted in receiving complaints of prisoners inability to sleep inside cells for they sleep in shifts. No doubt that this large number of prisoners inside this narrow space leads to
spread of epidemic and respiratory diseases.
One cell mainly has one 1m X 50cm small ventilation window which does not allow sun and air in. Water is available only for one hour every three days, hence they use unclean subterranean water which affects kidney and leads to spread of epidemic diseases. Also prisoners can not take a bath for long periods. Cells are not regularly cleaned up, garbage is not collected for long time unless officers check out cells.

Blankets and appropriate furniture are not available and prisoners sleep on the floor which affects health conditions especially the elderly. There are some prisoners banned from exercise for long periods of time which badly affects their bones and psychological condition.

3- Poor medical and health care of prisoners:

Medical services inside prisons are very poor. It is a tool of the regime to slowly kill the prisoners and abuse them through deliberate refraining from presenting medical services to prisoners.

Tuberculosis, diabetes, heart, chest allergy, fever, rheumatism and skin cancer are common diseases in prisons. According to a report of Egyptian Monitor for Human Rights and Freedoms (NGO) the number of imprisoned cancer patients in Egypt since July 2013 reached 790, in all Egyptian prisons, where prison hospitals do not have the necessary potentials nor the technical preparations. Appropriate treatment is not available or suitable for the medical case. Most of the medication are useless analgesics and are being given to all patients with different illnesses. In most cases patients go to the hospital and get no benefit, no patient care. There ere some cases checked and diagnosed and were prescribed medications contrary to their illness. In addition to cases of death inside prison due to medical negligence which reached according to unofficial statistics 543 cases in four years.

Police stations and prisons witnessed death cases due to deliberate abstention of presenting medical and health services to prisoners and detainees, that makes them crimes of killing rather than natural death. They set the minimum model rules for treating prisoners, recommended by UN and approved by the economic and social council under the title of medical services. Every prison must have a specialist doctor for each medical and psychological specialty along with availability of medications, in addition to protective and environmental safety and right nutrition.

National Human Rights Council issued a report on May, 2015 in which it said that crowding in police station custody reached 400% and in prisons reached 160%. The report demanded solution to the crisis of crowding inside prisons, and all death cases were due to poor health and living conditions inside detention facilities and prisons.

4- Prohibition of visits or intransigence during visits:

Visit is a right for the prisoner and his family according to law, laws and statutes of prisons state “Every convict has the right to keep up a
correspondence and to be visited by his relatives according to the prison regulations”. Person in preventive custody also have this right, without prejudice to what the law of criminal procedures requires concerning them in this regard.

Nevertheless, prison authorities made it a suffering not a visit, the prisoner and his family live this suffering prohibition and intransigence, according to the stories of several prisoners relatives on the level of Egyptian prisoners, all prisons authorities control visits if they want to
stop or allow them despite having general prosecution permit, amid the intransigence and harassment of prisoners and their families.